Maybe you received a phone call, maybe you saw a social media post, or maybe you were at the veterinarian’s office holding your friend’s hand as good-bye’s were whispered. Whether this happened last night or a month ago that awkward silence is crying out for a message from you… but what words do you choose? It’s overwhelming to say what is on your heart but you want to help ease their hurt from the loss of a loving dog.
It’s long been stated that losing a dog can be more mentally challenging than losing a human. Do you send flowers or cookies? Do you take someone out for coffee? What is too much… what is not enough… how do you break past the barrier of saying something awkward like “you should get another dog” or going overboard on a gift like buying them an urn for the ashes or really doing something inappropriate… like adopting them a puppy… HINT: don’t buy someone a puppy.
Healing Tears Compassion Bracelet is perfect to show you care without choosing words like “hang in there” NOTE: don’t say that.
I created this compassion bracelet from energy stones to add a special element of hope each time your friend glances at it… which will be a lot. I still wear mine and each time I glance at it reminds me of my dog… in the best way possible, with me.
Don’t be afraid that it’s the “wrong style” or that your friend “doesn’t wear jewelry” … this bracelet is a gift that can sit on their night stand, hang from the rear view mirror, or even be carried in their pocket. This truly is a gift where the thought really does count and the good vibes travel in so many different ways.
Buy your friend a compassion bracelet today and we will get it in the mail the next day. It will arrive just in time with the best vibes to start their healing journey. Will it make them cry? Oh yes, it’s likely… but this time they will be healing tears.
Remember, their healing tears pave the way on their healing journey.
This is the bracelet for a dog passing. If you are interested in the compassion bracelet for a dog dealing with an illness, please visit our Wellness Journey Bracelet.